School Information

Office Hours:
School office hours are as follows:
Monday through Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The office is closed on all school holidays and during the summer break.

School Hours:
School instructional hours are as follows:
Monday through Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Students should not arrive before 8:15 a.m. or remain after 4:00 p.m. We do not provide supervision for your child beyond the designated times. We appreciate your cooperation in helping keep your child/children safe.

Parents who drop students off or pick students up should use the BACK PARKING LOT. Pull into the designated area to drop students off. THIS AREA IS AT THE SIDEWALK. DO NOT PARK OR STOP IN THE DRIVE-THROUGH AREA. If you want to park, park in designated parking spots only. YOU MUST THEN WALK YOUR CHILD TO THE SIDEWALK or WALK TO THE SIDEWALK TO PICK THEM UP.


Arizona State Law and school policy/procedures have the following requirements:

  1. All visitors must report to the office upon arrival.

  2. No person may enter onto school premises including visits to classroom or playground without approval by the principal.

  3. All visitors must state the purpose of the visit.

  4. Upon approval of the principal, visitors must sign in and put on a visitor’s tag.

5. Parents wishing to visit classrooms should contact the principal in advance to arrange a day and time for such visit so as to avoid any conflicts with the teacher or school’s schedule.

Remember the safety and education of your child are our primary concerns and the regulations and policies safeguard your child.

Closed Campus:

Congress Elementary School is a “closed campus” and students may not leave the school grounds during regular school hours. The campus is also closed during lunchtime. Students may leave during lunchtime only if they are signed out and accompanied by a parent or guardian. Any exceptions must be approved by the principal.

Signing Students Out of School:

Parents or guardians wishing to pick up students during the day for medical appointments or family business must come to the office in order to sign them out. Families are urged to avoid taking students out of school during the school day. Students will not be released directly from the classroom. Students will be released only to the parent or legal guardian. Any other arrangements must be made with the principal with a written note.


The safety of students is a primary concern. If for any reason there is a change in your child’s dismissal, a written note must be sent to school. A change in dismissal includes going to someone’s house or someone else picking your child up. The note is especially important for younger children.

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