Vision, Beliefs, Goals

School Vision:
Congress Elementary School will partner with our community to:
  • Make everyone welcome
  • Be a source of community pride
  • Make learning active and meaningful
  • Meet individual student needs
  • Use technology to bring the world to students
  • Instill in each student a sense of: courage, loyalty, justice, respect, hope, honesty, and love

  • We believe that every student can learn.
  • We believe that students’ achievement of their highest potential is the most important outcome.
  • We believe that instruction should be individualized to meet student’s unique talents, individual needs and capacity to achieve personal excellence.
  • We believe that the most effective, individualized instruction is possible when class size is small.
  • We believe students are internal control systems. Their choices direct their behaviors. We believe the school has the responsibility to teach them how to make best choices.
  • We believe in the continual reassessment of individual students, instructional strategies and the curriculum.
  • We believe relevant professional development for all faculty and staff is a means to excellence.


2023-2024 Congress Elementary School Goals


      All students will meet Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards with a score of Proficient or Highly Proficient in the areas of English Language Arts (ELA) and Math as measured by mandated Arizona State testing.  In ELA, the school's performance on the State test will be 20% above the Arizona State student average as measured by the State test of the 2023-2024. School-wide ELA instructional emphasis will be in the area of ideas and content. In Math, the school's performance on the State test will be 25% above the Arizona State student average as measured by the State test of the 2023-24 school year. School-wide instructional emphasis will be in the area of numbers and operations and interpretation of data.


      Data collection from assessments will be used in the areas of Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Technology to predict future performance of individual students and grade levels. The data will be used to diagnose problems, develop solutions, and create plans.

      Students failing to meet the Arizona State Standards in English Language Arts and Math will be assessed every three to four weeks to ascertain progress and adjust their individual improvement plan.

      Students who are at a “Highly Proficient” level will be identified. Accelerated learning plans and strategies will be developed and continually monitored.

Staff Development:

      All teachers will be trained in the areas of Whole Child Education, Social-Emotional Learning, the 4 Cs (Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, and Critical Thinking), Global Competence Indicators, Differentiated Instruction, Anti-Bullying, Project Based Learning, Brain Based Instructional Techniques, Writing, and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math).


      The articulated Technology Standards will be taught at each grade level. Keyboarding standards will be taught and assessed at each grade level.

Safe/Secure School:

      The Emergency Plan will be reviewed and practiced during the school year.  Each classroom will be a need-fulfilling classroom.  Classroom meetings and activities will be scheduled to enhance the classroom/school environment.

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